Blewbury Garden Market
What is the BGM?
The Blewbury Garden Market, run by volunteers, is an outlet for anyone in or near Blewbury, Oxfordshire, to sell their surplus garden and home produce, including plants and seedlings, fresh fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, preserves and baking, in an informal setting. It runs on Saturday mornings 09:15 - 11:00 from May to September on the forecourt of Blewbury Service Station; start and end dates vary each year according to growing conditions, but will be posted here once confirmed. In 2024 our season starts on 11th May. Cash and Contactless payments are taken.
We are always looking for new sellers (and buyers!)
We welcome all types of home produce for sale. This includes fresh fruit and vegetables, cut flowers, all kinds of seedlings, bedding plants and perennials, free-range eggs and home cooking including preserves such as jams and chutneys, bread, cakes and biscuits, and apple juice and cordials.
Producers set their own prices with the BGM taking a 10% levy on sold produce to cover costs. A short Guide for Producers can be found here and the Sales Form for Producers can also be downloaded.
If you are interested in selling, helping on the stall or buying fresh goodies, please use the Contact button at the bottom of the page.
The BGM is a community activity under the auspices of the Blewbury Village Society
Where are we?